Video index
A. Roll Call (Including Action on Absences if Necessary)
B. Adoption of Agenda
C. Pledge of Allegiance
A. Employee of the Month (Overview) The Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) recognizes ten employees each year for outstanding service to students, parents, coworkers and customers. Ernie Pacleb is being honored as the Employee of the Month for September for his outstanding skills and accomplishments on the job, dedication to exceptional service and commitment to excellence.
B. Teacher of the Year Recognition (Overview) Rasa Radavicius, Parkway State Preschool, Santa Clara County Office of Education Rusila Racinez, Sunrise Middle School, County-Authorized Charter School
3. PUBLIC COMMENTS OF PERSONS DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON ITEMS AGENDIZED FOR CLOSED SESSION OR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA (overview) At this time, members of the public may address the Board on any item agendized for closed session or any issue within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board that is not listed on this agenda. Members of the public may also address the Board on an agenda item before or during the Board's consideration of the item. No action can be taken on an item not on the agenda at this time, but may be referred to the administration or put on a future agenda. In accordance with Board Bylaw 9323, individual remarks will be limited to 3 minutes each, unless otherwise stipulated.
4. The Board will hold a Closed Session to consider the following item:
A. Subject Matter: Interdistrict Transfer Appeal Filed on Behalf of Student Resident District: Ravenswood School District (San Mateo County) Desired District: Palo Alto Unified School District (Santa Clara County)
Meeting went into Recess
Meeting Reconvened
OPEN SESSION Immediately Following Closed Session
5. Report of actions taken in Closed Session
6. PUBLIC COMMENTS OF PERSONS DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA (overview) At this time, members of the public may address the Board on any issue within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board that is not listed on this agenda. Members of the public may also address the Board on an agenda item before or during the Board's consideration of the item. No action can be taken on an item not on the agenda at this time, but may be referred to the administration or put on a future agenda. In accordance with Board Bylaw 9323, individual remarks will be limited to 3 minutes each, unless otherwise stipulated.
8. COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBER REPORTS (overview) The members of the Board may give reports on any activities related to their duties as members of the Santa Clara County Board of Education.
A. *Public Hearing on the Silicon Valley Flex Academy Charter Renewal Petition
(overview) On September 9, 2015, the Santa Clara County Office of Education received the petition for the renewal of the Silicon Valley Flex Academy Charter School. This school was approved as a grades 6-12 countywide charter school in 2009 and opened in fall 2011. Silicon Valley Flex Academy is located within the Morgan Hill Unified School District. This item will be placed on the October 21, 2015 board agenda for a decision. (Dr. Angelica Ramsey)
A. *Request Approval of Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of September 2, 2015 (#2166)
B. *Approval of the County Superintendent's Financial Activity Report on Travel/Conferences and Mileage Expenses for August 2015 on Job-Related Expenditures (Superintendent Gundry)
C. *Request Approval to Accept the Amendment for the CaPROMISE Grant (overview) The purpose of the CaPROMISE Grant is to improve the provision and coordination of services and supports for child Supplemental Security Income recipients and their families in order to job-train to obtain competitive employment in an integrated setting that may result in long-term reductions in the child recipient's reliance on Supplemental Security Income. Administration recommends approval to accept the amendment for the CaPROMISE grant. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
D. *Request Approval for the 2015-16 Real Estate Leases - Update #2 (overview) On June 17, 2015, the Board approved the leased properties as presented. This action item is an update to the leased properties that the board approved on June 17, 2015 for FY 2015-2016, which are either being extended or renewed. Administration recommends approval of the 2015-16 real estate leases. (Mark Skvarna)
E. *Request Approval of Resolution to Endorse the Silicon Valley Regional Data Trust (overview) The University of California, Santa Cruz is partnering with the SCCOE and other education and health and human service agencies to establish the Silicon Valley Regional Data Trust (SVRDT). SVRDT will combine data from schools and health and human service agencies in San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz Counties and data from educational technology providers in a secure data-sharing environment that will support evidence based solutions to improve educational opportunities and outcomes in the region and serve as a national model. Administration recommends the adoption of the resolution endorsing the Silicon Valley Regional Data Trust. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
F. *Request Approval of Resolution in Support of The Preschool for All Act of 2015 (AB 47) (overview) Existing law requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to administer all California state preschool programs, which include part-day age and developmentally appropriate programs for three and four year old children, as provided. This bill would require, on or before June 30, 2018, all eligible children who are not enrolled in transitional kindergarten to have access to the state preschool program the year before they enter kindergarten, if their parents wish to enroll them, contingent upon the appropriation of sufficient funding in the annual Budget Act for this purpose. The Santa Clara County Office of Education is the leading provider of early learning services in Santa Clara County. If AB 47 is passed into law, it will enable the organization to broaden its impact with the community's youngest students. Administration recommends approving the resolution supporting the Preschool for All Act of 2015 (AB 47). (Superintendent Gundry)
G. *Request Adoption of Resolution in Support of September 15, 2015 as the Beginning of National Hispanic Heritage Month (overview) September 25, 2015 will mark the beginning of National Hispanic Heritage Month, a time for us to recognize the many contributions Hispanic Americans have made to our country, and to celebrate the rich and vibrant Hispanic culture. Originally proclaimed as a single week in September by President Lyndon B. Johnson, it was expanded to encompass a full month 20 years later by President Ronald Reagan. National Hispanic Heritage Month begins on the anniversary of the independence of five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Administration recommends the adoption of the resolution in support of September 15, 2015 as the beginning of National Hispanic Heritage Month. (Superintendent Gundry)
H. *Request Approval to Accept the California Department of Education: California State Preschool Program Quality Rating and Improvement System Block Grant (overview) Santa Clara County has been actively involved in the development of a Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS). The purpose of this system is to increase the quality of early learning experiences for young children birth through five years of age in the county and the state. FIRST 5 Santa Clara County has been the lead agency for QRIS work in Santa Clara County and has established a QRIS consortium, consisting of numerous diverse partners, including the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE), to develop the local QRIS. Administration recommends acceptance of the California Department of Education: California State Preschool Program QRIS Block Grant. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
I. *Request approval of Contract - Medical Eye Services (overview) Medical Eye Services (MES) are available to all eligible employees and their families. We have estimated the premiums to be $219,000 based on open enrollment calculations as of June 10, 2015. Funding has been incorporated into the FY 2015-2016 budget to cover this expense. Administration recommends approval of the contract for Medical Eye Services. (Philip Gordillo)
J. *Request Approval to accept the Educare Grant #2015-1-1 (overview) Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) is a partner in developing and operating Educare of California at Silicon Valley (ECSV) according to the standards and core features required by the national Educare Learning Network. These standards require additional staffing and resources beyond those provided by the existing Head Start and State Preschool programs. A grant in the amount of $509,899 will support the salary and benefit costs of 6 FTE mentor-teacher/coaches and 1.5 FTE family engagement specialists employed by SCCOE Head Start at Educare. Administration recommends approval to accept the Educare Grant #2015-1-1. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
K. *Request Acceptance of Donations (overview) A donation has been made to the Student Services Branch and the Office of the Superintendent. Administration recommends acceptance of donations. (Superintendent Gundry)
A. *Request approval of Contract Exceeding $250,000 - ACSIG/EDGE Delta Dental Plan (overview) Effective October 1, 2015, Delta Dental through the Alameda County Schools Insurance Group (ACSIG) will be available to all eligible employees and their families. We have estimated the premiums to be $2,770,083 based on open enrollment calculations as of June 10, 2015. Funding has been incorporated into the FY 2015-2016 budget to cover this expense. Administration recommends approval of contract over $250,000 for ACSIG/EDGE Delta Dental Plan. (Philip Gordillo)
A. *Walden West Task Force - Final Report (overview) Walden West is an outdoor science school that is operated by SCCOE and serves K-12 students. It is operated pursuant to EC Section 8760-8774. The California Outdoor School Association accredited Walden West in 2012 using the Regional Outdoor School Standards. The Walden West Management Task Force was formed by Superintendent Gundry on June 19, 2015. The Task Force is chaired by Mary Ann Dewan, Deputy Superintendent and Manny Barbara, Vice President, Silicon Valley Education Foundation. The Task Force members are representatives from the community including staff, parents, specialists, law enforcement and school districts. The co-chairs will provide a final report regarding the activities of the Task Force. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
B. *Announcement of the intent to appoint Mr. Nicholas R. Gervase to the Santa Clara County Office of Education Personnel Commission for the Term December 1, 2015 through November 30, 2018 (overview) The term of the County Office of Education's representative to the Personnel Commission will expire November 30, 2015. Mr. Gervase has served us extremely well on the Commission and is willing to serve for the next three (3) years. Pursuant to education Code §45256, the Board must announce, to the general public, its intent to appoint Mr. Nicholas R. Gervase. If the Board agrees to a reappointment, it must hold a public hearing on a date to be determined. At the close of the hearing, the Board of Education may proceed with its appointment. (Superintendent Gundry)
C. *First Reading of Revised Board Policy 0420, 1312.3, 5147, and Exhibit 9270 (overview) On September 2, 2015 the Policy Development Subcommittee met and approved the revision of Board Policies 04020 School Plans/Site Councils, 1312.3 Uniform Complaint Procedures, 5147 Dropout Prevention, and Exhibit 9270 Conflict of Interest. (Vice Pres. Song)
D. *First Reading of Recommended Deletion of Board Policy 6116 (overview) On September 2, 2015 the Policy Development Subcommittee met and approved the recommended deletion of Board Policy 6116 Classroom Interruptions. (Vice President Song)
E. *Head Start Monthly Board Reports (overview) As per the Head Start Act, all Head Start agencies are required to provide program information to the Board of Education. The July 2015 report will be presented. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
13. BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS (overview) Committee members may provide or report on recent committee activities.
1. Budget Study Committee (Superintendent Gundry, Chair)
2. Policy Subcommittee (Trustee Song, Chair)
3. Joint Legislative Advisory Committee (Trustee Di Salvo, Chair)
4. Head Start Policy Council (Trustee Rossi)
5. Santa Clara County School Boards Association Executive Board (Trustee Green)
6. Joint Committee on Child Care (JCCC) (Trustees Song and Di Salvo)
7. Warmenhoven Inclusion Collaborative (Trustee Di Salvo)
8. California School Boards Association (CSBA) Delegate (Trustee Green)
9. California County Boards of Education (CCBE) Board of Directors (Trustee Green)
14. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS (overview) Requested items by Board members may be addressed at this time.
1. Civics Education/Kids Voting, October 7 (Trustee Di Salvo)
2. Update on SCCBOE authorized charter schools, October 7 (Trustee Di Salvo)
3. Local Control Funding Formula's (LCFF) effect on the Grand Jury's proposal for school districts consolidation, Fall (Trustee Di Salvo)
4. Strengthening Economic Security for County Residents (Trustee Green)
5. Best Practices and Roles of School Resource Officers (SROs) in Schools and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) (Trustee Chang)
6. Budget Priorities (Trustee Kamei)
7. Update on SJ/SV 2020 (Trustee Di Salvo)
8. Presentation on use of epinephrine (Trustee Mah)
9. Understanding the State Preschool QRIS scores (Trustee Di Salvo)
10. Equity for API students in higher education (Trustee Song)
Sep 16, 2015 Regular Meeting #2167
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
A. Roll Call (Including Action on Absences if Necessary)
B. Adoption of Agenda
C. Pledge of Allegiance
A. Employee of the Month (Overview) The Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) recognizes ten employees each year for outstanding service to students, parents, coworkers and customers. Ernie Pacleb is being honored as the Employee of the Month for September for his outstanding skills and accomplishments on the job, dedication to exceptional service and commitment to excellence.
B. Teacher of the Year Recognition (Overview) Rasa Radavicius, Parkway State Preschool, Santa Clara County Office of Education Rusila Racinez, Sunrise Middle School, County-Authorized Charter School
3. PUBLIC COMMENTS OF PERSONS DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON ITEMS AGENDIZED FOR CLOSED SESSION OR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA (overview) At this time, members of the public may address the Board on any item agendized for closed session or any issue within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board that is not listed on this agenda. Members of the public may also address the Board on an agenda item before or during the Board's consideration of the item. No action can be taken on an item not on the agenda at this time, but may be referred to the administration or put on a future agenda. In accordance with Board Bylaw 9323, individual remarks will be limited to 3 minutes each, unless otherwise stipulated.
4. The Board will hold a Closed Session to consider the following item:
A. Subject Matter: Interdistrict Transfer Appeal Filed on Behalf of Student Resident District: Ravenswood School District (San Mateo County) Desired District: Palo Alto Unified School District (Santa Clara County)
Meeting went into Recess
Meeting Reconvened
OPEN SESSION Immediately Following Closed Session
5. Report of actions taken in Closed Session
6. PUBLIC COMMENTS OF PERSONS DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA (overview) At this time, members of the public may address the Board on any issue within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board that is not listed on this agenda. Members of the public may also address the Board on an agenda item before or during the Board's consideration of the item. No action can be taken on an item not on the agenda at this time, but may be referred to the administration or put on a future agenda. In accordance with Board Bylaw 9323, individual remarks will be limited to 3 minutes each, unless otherwise stipulated.
8. COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBER REPORTS (overview) The members of the Board may give reports on any activities related to their duties as members of the Santa Clara County Board of Education.
A. *Public Hearing on the Silicon Valley Flex Academy Charter Renewal Petition
(overview) On September 9, 2015, the Santa Clara County Office of Education received the petition for the renewal of the Silicon Valley Flex Academy Charter School. This school was approved as a grades 6-12 countywide charter school in 2009 and opened in fall 2011. Silicon Valley Flex Academy is located within the Morgan Hill Unified School District. This item will be placed on the October 21, 2015 board agenda for a decision. (Dr. Angelica Ramsey)
A. *Request Approval of Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of September 2, 2015 (#2166)
B. *Approval of the County Superintendent's Financial Activity Report on Travel/Conferences and Mileage Expenses for August 2015 on Job-Related Expenditures (Superintendent Gundry)
C. *Request Approval to Accept the Amendment for the CaPROMISE Grant (overview) The purpose of the CaPROMISE Grant is to improve the provision and coordination of services and supports for child Supplemental Security Income recipients and their families in order to job-train to obtain competitive employment in an integrated setting that may result in long-term reductions in the child recipient's reliance on Supplemental Security Income. Administration recommends approval to accept the amendment for the CaPROMISE grant. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
D. *Request Approval for the 2015-16 Real Estate Leases - Update #2 (overview) On June 17, 2015, the Board approved the leased properties as presented. This action item is an update to the leased properties that the board approved on June 17, 2015 for FY 2015-2016, which are either being extended or renewed. Administration recommends approval of the 2015-16 real estate leases. (Mark Skvarna)
E. *Request Approval of Resolution to Endorse the Silicon Valley Regional Data Trust (overview) The University of California, Santa Cruz is partnering with the SCCOE and other education and health and human service agencies to establish the Silicon Valley Regional Data Trust (SVRDT). SVRDT will combine data from schools and health and human service agencies in San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz Counties and data from educational technology providers in a secure data-sharing environment that will support evidence based solutions to improve educational opportunities and outcomes in the region and serve as a national model. Administration recommends the adoption of the resolution endorsing the Silicon Valley Regional Data Trust. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
F. *Request Approval of Resolution in Support of The Preschool for All Act of 2015 (AB 47) (overview) Existing law requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to administer all California state preschool programs, which include part-day age and developmentally appropriate programs for three and four year old children, as provided. This bill would require, on or before June 30, 2018, all eligible children who are not enrolled in transitional kindergarten to have access to the state preschool program the year before they enter kindergarten, if their parents wish to enroll them, contingent upon the appropriation of sufficient funding in the annual Budget Act for this purpose. The Santa Clara County Office of Education is the leading provider of early learning services in Santa Clara County. If AB 47 is passed into law, it will enable the organization to broaden its impact with the community's youngest students. Administration recommends approving the resolution supporting the Preschool for All Act of 2015 (AB 47). (Superintendent Gundry)
G. *Request Adoption of Resolution in Support of September 15, 2015 as the Beginning of National Hispanic Heritage Month (overview) September 25, 2015 will mark the beginning of National Hispanic Heritage Month, a time for us to recognize the many contributions Hispanic Americans have made to our country, and to celebrate the rich and vibrant Hispanic culture. Originally proclaimed as a single week in September by President Lyndon B. Johnson, it was expanded to encompass a full month 20 years later by President Ronald Reagan. National Hispanic Heritage Month begins on the anniversary of the independence of five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Administration recommends the adoption of the resolution in support of September 15, 2015 as the beginning of National Hispanic Heritage Month. (Superintendent Gundry)
H. *Request Approval to Accept the California Department of Education: California State Preschool Program Quality Rating and Improvement System Block Grant (overview) Santa Clara County has been actively involved in the development of a Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS). The purpose of this system is to increase the quality of early learning experiences for young children birth through five years of age in the county and the state. FIRST 5 Santa Clara County has been the lead agency for QRIS work in Santa Clara County and has established a QRIS consortium, consisting of numerous diverse partners, including the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE), to develop the local QRIS. Administration recommends acceptance of the California Department of Education: California State Preschool Program QRIS Block Grant. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
I. *Request approval of Contract - Medical Eye Services (overview) Medical Eye Services (MES) are available to all eligible employees and their families. We have estimated the premiums to be $219,000 based on open enrollment calculations as of June 10, 2015. Funding has been incorporated into the FY 2015-2016 budget to cover this expense. Administration recommends approval of the contract for Medical Eye Services. (Philip Gordillo)
J. *Request Approval to accept the Educare Grant #2015-1-1 (overview) Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) is a partner in developing and operating Educare of California at Silicon Valley (ECSV) according to the standards and core features required by the national Educare Learning Network. These standards require additional staffing and resources beyond those provided by the existing Head Start and State Preschool programs. A grant in the amount of $509,899 will support the salary and benefit costs of 6 FTE mentor-teacher/coaches and 1.5 FTE family engagement specialists employed by SCCOE Head Start at Educare. Administration recommends approval to accept the Educare Grant #2015-1-1. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
K. *Request Acceptance of Donations (overview) A donation has been made to the Student Services Branch and the Office of the Superintendent. Administration recommends acceptance of donations. (Superintendent Gundry)
A. *Request approval of Contract Exceeding $250,000 - ACSIG/EDGE Delta Dental Plan (overview) Effective October 1, 2015, Delta Dental through the Alameda County Schools Insurance Group (ACSIG) will be available to all eligible employees and their families. We have estimated the premiums to be $2,770,083 based on open enrollment calculations as of June 10, 2015. Funding has been incorporated into the FY 2015-2016 budget to cover this expense. Administration recommends approval of contract over $250,000 for ACSIG/EDGE Delta Dental Plan. (Philip Gordillo)
A. *Walden West Task Force - Final Report (overview) Walden West is an outdoor science school that is operated by SCCOE and serves K-12 students. It is operated pursuant to EC Section 8760-8774. The California Outdoor School Association accredited Walden West in 2012 using the Regional Outdoor School Standards. The Walden West Management Task Force was formed by Superintendent Gundry on June 19, 2015. The Task Force is chaired by Mary Ann Dewan, Deputy Superintendent and Manny Barbara, Vice President, Silicon Valley Education Foundation. The Task Force members are representatives from the community including staff, parents, specialists, law enforcement and school districts. The co-chairs will provide a final report regarding the activities of the Task Force. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
B. *Announcement of the intent to appoint Mr. Nicholas R. Gervase to the Santa Clara County Office of Education Personnel Commission for the Term December 1, 2015 through November 30, 2018 (overview) The term of the County Office of Education's representative to the Personnel Commission will expire November 30, 2015. Mr. Gervase has served us extremely well on the Commission and is willing to serve for the next three (3) years. Pursuant to education Code §45256, the Board must announce, to the general public, its intent to appoint Mr. Nicholas R. Gervase. If the Board agrees to a reappointment, it must hold a public hearing on a date to be determined. At the close of the hearing, the Board of Education may proceed with its appointment. (Superintendent Gundry)
C. *First Reading of Revised Board Policy 0420, 1312.3, 5147, and Exhibit 9270 (overview) On September 2, 2015 the Policy Development Subcommittee met and approved the revision of Board Policies 04020 School Plans/Site Councils, 1312.3 Uniform Complaint Procedures, 5147 Dropout Prevention, and Exhibit 9270 Conflict of Interest. (Vice Pres. Song)
D. *First Reading of Recommended Deletion of Board Policy 6116 (overview) On September 2, 2015 the Policy Development Subcommittee met and approved the recommended deletion of Board Policy 6116 Classroom Interruptions. (Vice President Song)
E. *Head Start Monthly Board Reports (overview) As per the Head Start Act, all Head Start agencies are required to provide program information to the Board of Education. The July 2015 report will be presented. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
13. BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS (overview) Committee members may provide or report on recent committee activities.
1. Budget Study Committee (Superintendent Gundry, Chair)
2. Policy Subcommittee (Trustee Song, Chair)
3. Joint Legislative Advisory Committee (Trustee Di Salvo, Chair)
4. Head Start Policy Council (Trustee Rossi)
5. Santa Clara County School Boards Association Executive Board (Trustee Green)
6. Joint Committee on Child Care (JCCC) (Trustees Song and Di Salvo)
7. Warmenhoven Inclusion Collaborative (Trustee Di Salvo)
8. California School Boards Association (CSBA) Delegate (Trustee Green)
9. California County Boards of Education (CCBE) Board of Directors (Trustee Green)
14. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS (overview) Requested items by Board members may be addressed at this time.
1. Civics Education/Kids Voting, October 7 (Trustee Di Salvo)
2. Update on SCCBOE authorized charter schools, October 7 (Trustee Di Salvo)
3. Local Control Funding Formula's (LCFF) effect on the Grand Jury's proposal for school districts consolidation, Fall (Trustee Di Salvo)
4. Strengthening Economic Security for County Residents (Trustee Green)
5. Best Practices and Roles of School Resource Officers (SROs) in Schools and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) (Trustee Chang)
6. Budget Priorities (Trustee Kamei)
7. Update on SJ/SV 2020 (Trustee Di Salvo)
8. Presentation on use of epinephrine (Trustee Mah)
9. Understanding the State Preschool QRIS scores (Trustee Di Salvo)
10. Equity for API students in higher education (Trustee Song)
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