Video index
A. Roll Call (Including Action on Absences if Necessary)
B. Adoption of Agenda
C. Pledge of Allegiance
2. PUBLIC COMMENTS OF PERSONS DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD (overview) At this time, members of the public may address the Board on any item agendized for closed session or any issue within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board that is not listed on this agenda. Members of the public may also address the Board on an agenda item before or during the Board's consideration of the item. No action can be taken on an item not on the agenda at this time, but may be referred to the administration or put on a future agenda. In accordance with Board Bylaw 9323, individual remarks will be limited to 3 minutes each, unless otherwise stipulated.
3. The Board will hold a Closed Session to consider the following items:
A. Conference with Legal Counsel, Government Code 54956.9(d)(1). Morgan Hill Unified School District v. Santa Clara County Board of Education, et al., Santa Clara Superior Court, Case No. 115CV281545
Meeting went into Recess
Meeting Reconvened
OPEN SESSION Immediately Following Closed Session
4. Report of actions taken in Closed Session
5. PUBLIC COMMENTS OF PERSONS DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD (overview) At this time, members of the public may address the Board on any issue within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board that is not listed on this agenda. Members of the public may also address the Board on an agenda item before or during the Board's consideration of the item. No action can be taken on an item not on the agenda at this time, but may be referred to the administration or put on a future agenda. In accordance with Board Bylaw 9323, individual remarks will be limited to 3 minutes each, unless otherwise stipulated.
7. COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBER REPORTS (overview) The members of the Board may give reports on any activities related to their duties as members of the Santa Clara County Board of Education.
8. BOARD CORRESPONDENCE (overview) Correspondence addressed to the Santa Clara County Board of Education. Correspondence addressed to individual board members will be mailed to them directly.
A. *Public Hearing on the Renewal Petition for ACE Empower Academy (overview) On November 26, 2007, the Santa Clara County Board of Education (County Board) approved the initial charter petition for ACE Empower Academy Charter School (ACE). The charter was submitted on appeal from Alum Rock Union Elementary School District and was granted a three-year term from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2011. On December 8, 2010, the County Board approved a five-year renewal of ACE's charter for the period from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2016. On January 12, 2016, the Charter Schools Office of the Santa Clara County Office of Education received a petition from ACE seeking a five-year renewal of their charter for the period from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2021. California Education Code 47605(b) requires the County Board of Education to grant or deny the renewal within 60 days of receipt and in accordance with California Education Code 47607 (a)(1), for a renewal term of five years. This item will be placed on the February 3, 2016 board agenda for decision. (Dr. Angelica Ramsey)
Meeting went into Recess
Meeting Reconvened
B. *Public Hearing on the Renewal Petition for Downtown College Prep-Alum Rock (overview) On November 18, 2009, the Santa Clara County Board of Education (County Board) approved the initial charter petition for Downtown College Prep-Alum Rock (DCP). The charter was submitted on appeal from East Side Union High School District and was granted a five-year term from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2015. On April 21, 2010, the County Board approved DCP's request for a material revision to delay its opening by one school year, from 2010-2011 to 2011-2012. On January 13, 2016, the Charter Schools Office of the Santa Clara County Office of Education received a petition from DCP seeking a five-year renewal of their charter for the period from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2021. California Education Code 47605(b) requires the County Board of Education to grant or deny the renewal within 60 days of receipt and in accordance with California Education Code 47607 (a)(1), for a renewal term of five years. This item will be placed on the March 2, 2016 board agenda for decision. (Dr. Angelica Ramsey)
Meeting went into Recess
Meeting Reconvened
C. *Public Hearing on Educator Effectiveness Funds (overview) The 2015-16 Budget Act provides funds for Educator Effectiveness. These funds are specifically to be used for professional development, coaching and support services. The SCCOE will receive $522,734. These funds must be spent on specific areas during the 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
A. *Approval of the County Superintendent's Financial Activity Report on Travel/Conferences and Mileage Expenses for December 2015 on Job-Related Expenditures (Superintendent Gundry)
B. *Request Approval to Submit the Non-Competitive Head Start/Early Head Start Grant Application Update, Executive Summary and Appendices for FY 2016-17 (overview) The Early Learning Services Department has received notification from the Administration of Children and Families (ACF) and the Department of Health and Human Services that the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) is eligible to apply for the annual Head Start/Early Head Start grant in the amount of $22,736,317. This refunding application is for the second year of a five year grant awarded last year. We are currently in year one and now submitting the required annual update to this grant. Administration recommends approval of submission of the non-competitive Head Start/Early Head Start Grant Application Update, Executive Summary and Appendices for FY 2016-17. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
C. Request Approval to Accept the California Department of Education California Transitional Kindergarten Professional Development Grant (overview) The California Department of Education's Early Education & Support Division (EESD) will fund a Transitional Kindergarten (TK) grant to Region 5 California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN). Region 5 covers four counties: Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey. Regional 5's total funding amount is projected to be a total of $308,000 allocating 27.5% or $84,700 of the funds to the 2015-16 year and 72.5% or $223,300 of the funds to the 2016-17 year. The Early Learning Services, CPIN program will receive $308,000 from the CDE. The term of the agreement is January 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017. Administration recommends approval to accept the California Department of Education California Transitional Kindergarten Professional Development Grant. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
D. Request Approval of Amendment 01 and Resolution to CDE Contract CSPP-5533 between the California Department of Education and the Santa Clara Superintendent of Schools (overview) The Amendment to contract CSPP-5533 between the California Department of Education (CDE) and the Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools is based upon a Budget Act that provides a rate increase to the Maximum rate per child day of enrollment. The Santa Clara County Office of Education will receive a Maximum Reimbursable Amount (MRA) of $4,135,172 which is an increase of $274,967. Administration recommends approval of Amendment 01 and Resolution to CDE Contract CSPP-5533 between the California Department of Education and the Santa Clara Superintendent of Schools. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
E. Request Approval of Amendment 01 and Resolution to CDE Contract CCTR-5281 between the California Department of Education and the Santa Clara Superintendent of Schools (overview) The Amendment to contract CCTR-5281 between the California Department of Education (CDE) and the Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools is based upon a Budget Act that provides a rate increase to the Maximum rate per child day of enrollment. The Santa Clara County Office of Education will receive a Maximum Reimbursable Amount (MRA) of $261,461 which is an increase of $15,874. Administration recommends approval of Amendment 01 and Resolution to CDE Contract CCTR-5281 between the California Department of Education and the Santa Clara Superintendent of Schools. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
F. Request Adoption of the Budget Revisions for the Month of December 2015 (overview) This report reflects budget revisions for the month of December 2015. During the month of December 2015, expenditures budgets were increased by $2,275,664 and allocated $2,275,664 to provide for these expenditures. Administration recommends adoption of the budget revisions for the month of December 2015. (Mark Skvarna)
G. Request Acceptance of Donation (overview) The Student Services Branch has received a donation in their Special Education Department. Administration recommends acceptance of donation. (Superintendent Gundry)
A. *Request Approval of Contract Amendment Exceeding $250,000 to ARTIK Architecture for the Oster School Site (overview) The original contract amount based on scope of work was $72,300. Due to increased scope, an additional $191,300 in funding will be used from Fund balance to cover the additional costs. Total contract for this project is $263,000. Administration recommends approval of contract amendment exceeding $250,000 to ARTIK Architecture for the Oster School site. (Mark Skvarna)
A. *Strong Start Initiative Update (overview) Strong Start is a coalition of community leaders, early education providers, nonprofit organizations, elected officials, members of the business community and other key stakeholders who are committed to expanding access to high quality early learning opportunities for all children age 0 to 8 in Santa Clara County. Originally convened in 2012, the coalition has sought local solutions to help increase access to high quality early education and conducted legislative advocacy efforts at the state level to encourage increased investments in early learning. At the request of Trustee Di Salvo, an update regarding the Strong Start Initiative will be provided. Dr. Matt Tinsley will report on the work of the coalition in Fall 2015 and summarize some of the planned activities for 2016. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
B. *Charter Schools Update (Overview) At a special meeting on December 14, 2015, the County Board of Education requested a standing item regarding charter schools on every regular board meeting agenda. (Dr. Angelica Ramsey)
C. *Alternative Education Department - Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Visitation, March 2016 (overview) In April of 2013, the Alternative Education Department (AED) for the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) received its initial candidacy for WASC accreditation. At that time, the AED received a three-year accreditation in which to conduct a self-study. On March 6-9, 2016, a team of four educators from across the state of California will visit the SCCOE's AED to revisit the program for a new period of accreditation. This presentation is to update the Board on results of the self-study including areas of strength and areas identified for growth. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
D. *Alternative Education Department Enrollment Report (overview) The Alternative Education Department (AED) for the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) is comprised of eight educational programs on six school sites?Court Schools: Blue Ridge & Osborne; Community Schools: Odyssey, Snell, Sunol and Terrabella. The AED has a stable daily enrollment of approximately 280 students, while servicing over 1,200 students a year due to high transiency rates. AED serves students from 20 diverse school districts in the county in grades 6 through 12+ who are adjudicated, expelled, or placed on a rehabilitation contract. This report will also cover anticipated enrollment for 2016-2017. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
E. *Williams Complaint Report
(overview) Complaints filed for the Santa Clara County Office of Education school sites, under the Williams Settlement, are limited to insufficient textbooks or instructional materials, unsafe or unhealthy facility conditions or teacher vacancies or mis-assignments. One Williams complaint was received during the October through December 2015 reporting period. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
F. *Head Start/Early Head Start Monthly Board Reports (overview) As per the Head Start Act, all Head Start agencies are required to provide program information to the Board of Education. This report will cover the months of October and November 2015. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
G. First Reading of Revised Board Bylaw 9123 (overview) On January 13, 2016 the Policy Development Subcommittee met and approved the revision of BB 9123Duties of the Vice President. Bylaw updated to reflect the Board's decision at its annual meeting on December 9, 2015 to have the Vice President of the Board serve as Clerk of the Board. (Vice President Chang)
H. Employee Compensation Increase Exceeds the EC 1302(a) Limit (overview) Education Code 1302(a) requires any salary increase of $10,000 or more to be discussed by the County Board of Education at a regularly scheduled meeting. Recent promotions, position changes and employee calendar increases will result in excess of the $10,000 limit for six employees.
13. BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS (overview) Committee members may provide or report on recent committee activities.
1. Budget Study Committee, next meeting: Jan 22 (Superintendent Gundry, Chair)
2. Policy Subcommittee, next meeting: Feb 3 (Trustee Chang, Chair)
3. Joint Legislative Advisory Committee, next meeting: Feb 17 (Trustee Di Salvo, Chair)
4. Head Start Policy Council (Trustee Mah)
5. Santa Clara County School Boards Association Executive Board (Trustee Kamei)
6. Joint Committee on Child Care (JCCC) (Trustees Song and Di Salvo)
7. Warmenhoven Inclusion Collaborative, next meeting: Jan 22 (Trustee Kamei)
8. California School Boards Association (CSBA) Delegate (Trustee Green)
9. California County Boards of Education (CCBE) Board of Directors (Trustee Green)
14. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS (overview) Requested items by Board members may be addressed at this time.
1. Board Study Session on Charter Schools, Quarterly (April 20, June 1, Sept 21, Dec 14)
2. Best Practices and Roles of School Resource Officers (SROs) in Schools and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) - Study has begun. Initial discussion scheduled for Nov 19, 2015 meeting of the Juvenile Justice Special Committee (JJSC). Report to the Board tentatively set for summer 2016. (Trustee Chang)
3. Budget Priorities Discussed at Budget Study Committee on Nov 20, 2015 (Trustee Kamei)
4. Update on SJ/SV 2020 . Credo Report, spring 2016 (Trustee Di Salvo)
5. Detailed Report on SCCOE Foster Youth Program, Feb 3, 2016 (Trustee Mah)
6. Head Start Update Transfer of student information from Head Start to Kindergarten, Mental Health Programs, Feb 2016 (Trustee Di Salvo)
7. Equity for API students in higher education, Mar 2016 (Trustee Song)
8. Billy DeFrank Center presentation, (Trustee Green)
9. Charter School Reviews, spring 2016 (Trustee Mah)
10. Strengthening Economic Security for County Residents, spring 2016 (Trustee Green)
15. PUBLIC COMMENTS OF PERSONS DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD (overview) At this time, members of the public may address the Board on any item agendized for closed session or any issue within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board that is not listed on this agenda. Members of the public may also address the Board on an agenda item before or during the Board's consideration of the item. No action can be taken on an item not on the agenda at this time, but may be referred to the administration or put on a future agenda. In accordance with Board Bylaw 9323, individual remarks will be limited to 3 minutes each, unless otherwise stipulated.
16. The Board will hold a Closed Session to consider the following item:
A. Public Employee Performance Evaluation/Update Title: County Superintendent of Schools (Government Code Section 54957(b)(1))
Meeting went into Recess
Meeting Reconvened
OPEN SESSION Immediately Following Closed Session (Board Room)
17. Report of actions taken in Closed Session
Jan 20, 2016 Regular Meeting #2174
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
A. Roll Call (Including Action on Absences if Necessary)
B. Adoption of Agenda
C. Pledge of Allegiance
2. PUBLIC COMMENTS OF PERSONS DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD (overview) At this time, members of the public may address the Board on any item agendized for closed session or any issue within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board that is not listed on this agenda. Members of the public may also address the Board on an agenda item before or during the Board's consideration of the item. No action can be taken on an item not on the agenda at this time, but may be referred to the administration or put on a future agenda. In accordance with Board Bylaw 9323, individual remarks will be limited to 3 minutes each, unless otherwise stipulated.
3. The Board will hold a Closed Session to consider the following items:
A. Conference with Legal Counsel, Government Code 54956.9(d)(1). Morgan Hill Unified School District v. Santa Clara County Board of Education, et al., Santa Clara Superior Court, Case No. 115CV281545
Meeting went into Recess
Meeting Reconvened
OPEN SESSION Immediately Following Closed Session
4. Report of actions taken in Closed Session
5. PUBLIC COMMENTS OF PERSONS DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD (overview) At this time, members of the public may address the Board on any issue within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board that is not listed on this agenda. Members of the public may also address the Board on an agenda item before or during the Board's consideration of the item. No action can be taken on an item not on the agenda at this time, but may be referred to the administration or put on a future agenda. In accordance with Board Bylaw 9323, individual remarks will be limited to 3 minutes each, unless otherwise stipulated.
7. COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBER REPORTS (overview) The members of the Board may give reports on any activities related to their duties as members of the Santa Clara County Board of Education.
8. BOARD CORRESPONDENCE (overview) Correspondence addressed to the Santa Clara County Board of Education. Correspondence addressed to individual board members will be mailed to them directly.
A. *Public Hearing on the Renewal Petition for ACE Empower Academy (overview) On November 26, 2007, the Santa Clara County Board of Education (County Board) approved the initial charter petition for ACE Empower Academy Charter School (ACE). The charter was submitted on appeal from Alum Rock Union Elementary School District and was granted a three-year term from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2011. On December 8, 2010, the County Board approved a five-year renewal of ACE's charter for the period from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2016. On January 12, 2016, the Charter Schools Office of the Santa Clara County Office of Education received a petition from ACE seeking a five-year renewal of their charter for the period from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2021. California Education Code 47605(b) requires the County Board of Education to grant or deny the renewal within 60 days of receipt and in accordance with California Education Code 47607 (a)(1), for a renewal term of five years. This item will be placed on the February 3, 2016 board agenda for decision. (Dr. Angelica Ramsey)
Meeting went into Recess
Meeting Reconvened
B. *Public Hearing on the Renewal Petition for Downtown College Prep-Alum Rock (overview) On November 18, 2009, the Santa Clara County Board of Education (County Board) approved the initial charter petition for Downtown College Prep-Alum Rock (DCP). The charter was submitted on appeal from East Side Union High School District and was granted a five-year term from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2015. On April 21, 2010, the County Board approved DCP's request for a material revision to delay its opening by one school year, from 2010-2011 to 2011-2012. On January 13, 2016, the Charter Schools Office of the Santa Clara County Office of Education received a petition from DCP seeking a five-year renewal of their charter for the period from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2021. California Education Code 47605(b) requires the County Board of Education to grant or deny the renewal within 60 days of receipt and in accordance with California Education Code 47607 (a)(1), for a renewal term of five years. This item will be placed on the March 2, 2016 board agenda for decision. (Dr. Angelica Ramsey)
Meeting went into Recess
Meeting Reconvened
C. *Public Hearing on Educator Effectiveness Funds (overview) The 2015-16 Budget Act provides funds for Educator Effectiveness. These funds are specifically to be used for professional development, coaching and support services. The SCCOE will receive $522,734. These funds must be spent on specific areas during the 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
A. *Approval of the County Superintendent's Financial Activity Report on Travel/Conferences and Mileage Expenses for December 2015 on Job-Related Expenditures (Superintendent Gundry)
B. *Request Approval to Submit the Non-Competitive Head Start/Early Head Start Grant Application Update, Executive Summary and Appendices for FY 2016-17 (overview) The Early Learning Services Department has received notification from the Administration of Children and Families (ACF) and the Department of Health and Human Services that the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) is eligible to apply for the annual Head Start/Early Head Start grant in the amount of $22,736,317. This refunding application is for the second year of a five year grant awarded last year. We are currently in year one and now submitting the required annual update to this grant. Administration recommends approval of submission of the non-competitive Head Start/Early Head Start Grant Application Update, Executive Summary and Appendices for FY 2016-17. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
C. Request Approval to Accept the California Department of Education California Transitional Kindergarten Professional Development Grant (overview) The California Department of Education's Early Education & Support Division (EESD) will fund a Transitional Kindergarten (TK) grant to Region 5 California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN). Region 5 covers four counties: Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey. Regional 5's total funding amount is projected to be a total of $308,000 allocating 27.5% or $84,700 of the funds to the 2015-16 year and 72.5% or $223,300 of the funds to the 2016-17 year. The Early Learning Services, CPIN program will receive $308,000 from the CDE. The term of the agreement is January 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017. Administration recommends approval to accept the California Department of Education California Transitional Kindergarten Professional Development Grant. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
D. Request Approval of Amendment 01 and Resolution to CDE Contract CSPP-5533 between the California Department of Education and the Santa Clara Superintendent of Schools (overview) The Amendment to contract CSPP-5533 between the California Department of Education (CDE) and the Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools is based upon a Budget Act that provides a rate increase to the Maximum rate per child day of enrollment. The Santa Clara County Office of Education will receive a Maximum Reimbursable Amount (MRA) of $4,135,172 which is an increase of $274,967. Administration recommends approval of Amendment 01 and Resolution to CDE Contract CSPP-5533 between the California Department of Education and the Santa Clara Superintendent of Schools. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
E. Request Approval of Amendment 01 and Resolution to CDE Contract CCTR-5281 between the California Department of Education and the Santa Clara Superintendent of Schools (overview) The Amendment to contract CCTR-5281 between the California Department of Education (CDE) and the Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools is based upon a Budget Act that provides a rate increase to the Maximum rate per child day of enrollment. The Santa Clara County Office of Education will receive a Maximum Reimbursable Amount (MRA) of $261,461 which is an increase of $15,874. Administration recommends approval of Amendment 01 and Resolution to CDE Contract CCTR-5281 between the California Department of Education and the Santa Clara Superintendent of Schools. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
F. Request Adoption of the Budget Revisions for the Month of December 2015 (overview) This report reflects budget revisions for the month of December 2015. During the month of December 2015, expenditures budgets were increased by $2,275,664 and allocated $2,275,664 to provide for these expenditures. Administration recommends adoption of the budget revisions for the month of December 2015. (Mark Skvarna)
G. Request Acceptance of Donation (overview) The Student Services Branch has received a donation in their Special Education Department. Administration recommends acceptance of donation. (Superintendent Gundry)
A. *Request Approval of Contract Amendment Exceeding $250,000 to ARTIK Architecture for the Oster School Site (overview) The original contract amount based on scope of work was $72,300. Due to increased scope, an additional $191,300 in funding will be used from Fund balance to cover the additional costs. Total contract for this project is $263,000. Administration recommends approval of contract amendment exceeding $250,000 to ARTIK Architecture for the Oster School site. (Mark Skvarna)
A. *Strong Start Initiative Update (overview) Strong Start is a coalition of community leaders, early education providers, nonprofit organizations, elected officials, members of the business community and other key stakeholders who are committed to expanding access to high quality early learning opportunities for all children age 0 to 8 in Santa Clara County. Originally convened in 2012, the coalition has sought local solutions to help increase access to high quality early education and conducted legislative advocacy efforts at the state level to encourage increased investments in early learning. At the request of Trustee Di Salvo, an update regarding the Strong Start Initiative will be provided. Dr. Matt Tinsley will report on the work of the coalition in Fall 2015 and summarize some of the planned activities for 2016. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
B. *Charter Schools Update (Overview) At a special meeting on December 14, 2015, the County Board of Education requested a standing item regarding charter schools on every regular board meeting agenda. (Dr. Angelica Ramsey)
C. *Alternative Education Department - Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Visitation, March 2016 (overview) In April of 2013, the Alternative Education Department (AED) for the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) received its initial candidacy for WASC accreditation. At that time, the AED received a three-year accreditation in which to conduct a self-study. On March 6-9, 2016, a team of four educators from across the state of California will visit the SCCOE's AED to revisit the program for a new period of accreditation. This presentation is to update the Board on results of the self-study including areas of strength and areas identified for growth. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
D. *Alternative Education Department Enrollment Report (overview) The Alternative Education Department (AED) for the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) is comprised of eight educational programs on six school sites?Court Schools: Blue Ridge & Osborne; Community Schools: Odyssey, Snell, Sunol and Terrabella. The AED has a stable daily enrollment of approximately 280 students, while servicing over 1,200 students a year due to high transiency rates. AED serves students from 20 diverse school districts in the county in grades 6 through 12+ who are adjudicated, expelled, or placed on a rehabilitation contract. This report will also cover anticipated enrollment for 2016-2017. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
E. *Williams Complaint Report
(overview) Complaints filed for the Santa Clara County Office of Education school sites, under the Williams Settlement, are limited to insufficient textbooks or instructional materials, unsafe or unhealthy facility conditions or teacher vacancies or mis-assignments. One Williams complaint was received during the October through December 2015 reporting period. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
F. *Head Start/Early Head Start Monthly Board Reports (overview) As per the Head Start Act, all Head Start agencies are required to provide program information to the Board of Education. This report will cover the months of October and November 2015. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
G. First Reading of Revised Board Bylaw 9123 (overview) On January 13, 2016 the Policy Development Subcommittee met and approved the revision of BB 9123Duties of the Vice President. Bylaw updated to reflect the Board's decision at its annual meeting on December 9, 2015 to have the Vice President of the Board serve as Clerk of the Board. (Vice President Chang)
H. Employee Compensation Increase Exceeds the EC 1302(a) Limit (overview) Education Code 1302(a) requires any salary increase of $10,000 or more to be discussed by the County Board of Education at a regularly scheduled meeting. Recent promotions, position changes and employee calendar increases will result in excess of the $10,000 limit for six employees.
13. BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS (overview) Committee members may provide or report on recent committee activities.
1. Budget Study Committee, next meeting: Jan 22 (Superintendent Gundry, Chair)
2. Policy Subcommittee, next meeting: Feb 3 (Trustee Chang, Chair)
3. Joint Legislative Advisory Committee, next meeting: Feb 17 (Trustee Di Salvo, Chair)
4. Head Start Policy Council (Trustee Mah)
5. Santa Clara County School Boards Association Executive Board (Trustee Kamei)
6. Joint Committee on Child Care (JCCC) (Trustees Song and Di Salvo)
7. Warmenhoven Inclusion Collaborative, next meeting: Jan 22 (Trustee Kamei)
8. California School Boards Association (CSBA) Delegate (Trustee Green)
9. California County Boards of Education (CCBE) Board of Directors (Trustee Green)
14. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS (overview) Requested items by Board members may be addressed at this time.
1. Board Study Session on Charter Schools, Quarterly (April 20, June 1, Sept 21, Dec 14)
2. Best Practices and Roles of School Resource Officers (SROs) in Schools and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) - Study has begun. Initial discussion scheduled for Nov 19, 2015 meeting of the Juvenile Justice Special Committee (JJSC). Report to the Board tentatively set for summer 2016. (Trustee Chang)
3. Budget Priorities Discussed at Budget Study Committee on Nov 20, 2015 (Trustee Kamei)
4. Update on SJ/SV 2020 . Credo Report, spring 2016 (Trustee Di Salvo)
5. Detailed Report on SCCOE Foster Youth Program, Feb 3, 2016 (Trustee Mah)
6. Head Start Update Transfer of student information from Head Start to Kindergarten, Mental Health Programs, Feb 2016 (Trustee Di Salvo)
7. Equity for API students in higher education, Mar 2016 (Trustee Song)
8. Billy DeFrank Center presentation, (Trustee Green)
9. Charter School Reviews, spring 2016 (Trustee Mah)
10. Strengthening Economic Security for County Residents, spring 2016 (Trustee Green)
15. PUBLIC COMMENTS OF PERSONS DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD (overview) At this time, members of the public may address the Board on any item agendized for closed session or any issue within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board that is not listed on this agenda. Members of the public may also address the Board on an agenda item before or during the Board's consideration of the item. No action can be taken on an item not on the agenda at this time, but may be referred to the administration or put on a future agenda. In accordance with Board Bylaw 9323, individual remarks will be limited to 3 minutes each, unless otherwise stipulated.
16. The Board will hold a Closed Session to consider the following item:
A. Public Employee Performance Evaluation/Update Title: County Superintendent of Schools (Government Code Section 54957(b)(1))
Meeting went into Recess
Meeting Reconvened
OPEN SESSION Immediately Following Closed Session (Board Room)
17. Report of actions taken in Closed Session
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