Video index
A. Roll Call (Including Action on Absences if Necessary)
B. Adoption of Agenda
C. Pledge of Allegiance
2. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH: (overview) The Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) recognizes ten employees each year for outstanding service to students, parents, coworkers and customers. Charles Richion from the General Services Department is being honored as the Employee of the Month for February for his outstanding skills and accomplishments on the job, dedication to exceptional service and commitment to excellence.
3. SPECIAL RECOGNITION: Charmaine Warmenhoven/Inclusion Collaborative (overview) From time to time, the Board of Education recognizes community members who demonstrate exceptional commitment to the children of Santa Clara County in support of the goals of the SCCOE. Charmaine Warmenhoven is one such exceptional person. Ms. Warmenhoven is the primary benefactor of the Inclusion Collaborative, a program housed at the Santa Clara County Office of Education that works to include children with special needs in child care, preschool programs and community activities. Ms. Warmenhoven's commitment and donations of time and funding to the Inclusion Collaborative spans more than 10 years. Thanks to Charmaine's leadership, the Inclusion Collaborative is able to provide essential services to the community.
4. PUBLIC COMMENTS OF PERSONS DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD (overview) At this time, members of the public may address the Board on any issue within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board that is not listed on this agenda. Members of the public may also address the Board on an agenda item before or during the Board's consideration of the item. No action can be taken on an item not on the agenda at this time, but may be referred to the administration or put on a future agenda. In accordance with Board Bylaw 9323, individual remarks will be limited to 3 minutes each, unless otherwise stipulated.
6. COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBER REPORTS (overview) The members of the Board may give reports on any activities related to their duties as members of the Santa Clara County Board of Education.
7. BOARD CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence addressed to the Santa Clara County Board of Education. Correspondence addressed to individual board members will be mailed to them directly.
Board Correspondence
A. *Request Approval of Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of January 13, 2016 (#2173)
B. *Request Approval of Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of January 20, 2016 (#2174)
C. *Adopt Resolution Recognizing February as National African American History Month (overview) Through the work of Harvard-trained historian Dr. Carter G. Woodson, the precursor of African American History Month was first celebrated in February 1926 during a week that encompassed the birthdays of both Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. His aim was to encourage a greater understanding of the experiences of African Americans and raise awareness of their contributions throughout the world. The celebration was expanded to Black History Month in 1976, the nation's bicentennial. President Gerald R. Ford urged Americans to "seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history." Administration recommends adoption in support of February 2016 as National African American History Month. (Superintendent Gundry)
D. *Adopt Resolution Supporting the Establishment of the Person-First Terminology Media and Community Campaign (overview) Person-first language aims to avoid perceived and subconscious dehumanization when discussing people with disabilities. The basic idea is to use a sentence structure that names the person first and the condition second, for example "people with disabilities" rather than "disabled people" or "disabled", in order to emphasize that "they are people first." By using such a sentence structure, the speaker articulates the idea of disability as a secondary attribute, not a characteristic of a person's identify. As an advocate for inclusion, the Santa Clara County Office of Education adopted person-first terminology as a matter of policy in 2011 and actively campaigned for other local agencies to adopt this as part of their organizational values. Administration recommends adoption of resolution supporting the establishment of the person-first terminology media and community campaign. (Superintendent Gundry)
E. *Request Approval of Proposed Donation from Charmaine Warmenhoven via Silicon Valley Education Foundation (SVEF) for 2016-17 Fiscal Year (overview) Annually, Ms. Charmaine Warmenhoven, via the Silicon Valley Education Foundation, donates approximately $100,000 to the Inclusion Collaborative, Student Services Branch. The actual amount of the donation will be determined in November 2016. Administration recommends approval of proposed donation from Charmaine Warmenhoven via Silicon Valley Education Foundation for 2016-17 fiscal year. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
F. *Request Adoption of Second Reading of Revised Board Policies 0200, 0460, 3100 and Board Bylaws 9100 and 9123 (overview) On November 18, 2015, the Policy Development Subcommittee met and approved the revisions for Board Policies: BP 0200 Goals for the SCCOE, BP 0460 Local Control and Accountability Plan, BP 3100 Budget and Board Bylaw 9100 Organization. On January 13, 2016, the subcommittee met and approved the revisions for Board Bylaw 9123 Duties of the Vice President. Administration recommends adoptions of second reading of revised BP 0200, 0460, 3100 and BB 9100. (Vice President Chang)
A. *Request Approval of Renewal Petition of ACE Empower Academy Charter for the Period of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2021 (overview) On January 12, 2016, the Charter Schools Office of the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) received a petition from ACE Empower Academy seeking renewal of the charter. California Education Code Section 47607(a) (1) requires that "each renewal shall be for a period of five years." If the charter was to be renewed by the County Board, the new term of the charter would begin on July 1, 2016 and end on June 30, 2021. On January 20, 2016, the County Board held a public hearing on the charter school's petition for renewal. California Education Code Section 47605(b) requires that "following review of the petition and the public hearing, the governing board of the school district shall either grant or deny the charter within 60 days of receipt of the petition, provided however, that the date may be extended by an additional 30 days if both parties agree to the extension." Administration recommends approval of renewal petition of ACE Employer Academy Charter for the period of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2021. (Dr. Angelica Ramsey)
Meeting went into Recess
Meeting Reconvened
B. *Request Approval of Educator Effectiveness Funds Expenditure Plan (overview) The 2015-16 Budget Act provides funds for Educator Effectiveness. These funds are specifically to be used for professional development, coaching and support services. The Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) will receive $552,734. These funds must be spent on specific areas during the 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years. Although the funding was based on 2014-15 certificated full-time equivalent (FTE) staff of 376.90, the Student Services Branch has an FTE of 1,176 staff. The SCCOE must develop and adopt an expenditure plan on how the funds will be spent. The plan must be presented in a public meeting of the Board before its adoption in a subsequent public meeting. A public hearing regarding these funds was held on January 20, 2016. Administration recommends approval of the Educator Effectiveness Funds Expenditure Plan. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
C. *Request Appointment to the California School Boards Association's (CSBA) Delegate Assembly (overview) Because there is only one county office in Region 20, the Santa Clara County Board of Education (SCCBOE) is entitled to appoint a representative to CSBA's Delegate Assembly for a two-year term beginning April 1, 2016 through March 31, 2018. This position is currently held by member Darcie Green whose appointment term expires on March 31, 2016. In addition, this position has a dual role and will automatically be appointed to serve as a member on the California County Boards of Education (CCBE) Board of Directors. Administration recommends appointment to the California School Boards Association's Delegate Assembly. (Superintendent Gundry)
A. *Foster Youth Services Update (overview) This Foster Youth Services (FYS) update is being presented at the request of Trustee Grace Mah. The California Department of Education (CDE) enacted a new law, Assembly Bill 854, which was signed by Governor Brown on October 11, 2015. This Board presentation will provide an overview of the purpose of AB 854, program changes, budget implications and coordination of services among districts, agencies and community partners. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
B. *Charter Schools Update (Overview) At a special meeting on December 14, 2015, the County Board of Education requested a standing item regarding charter schools on every regular board meeting agenda. (Dr. Angelica Ramsey)
11. BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS (overview) Committee members may provide or report on recent committee activities.
1. Budget Study Committee (Superintendent Gundry, Chair)
2. Policy Subcommittee (Trustee Chang, Chair)
3. Joint Legislative Advisory Committee (Trustee Di Salvo, Chair)
4. Head Start Policy Council (Trustee Mah)
5. Santa Clara County School Boards Association Executive Board (Trustee Kamei)
6. Joint Committee on Child Care (JCCC) (Trustees Song and Di Salvo)
7. Warmenhoven Inclusion Collaborative (Trustee Kamei)
8. California School Boards Association (CSBA) Delegate (Trustee Green)
9. California County Boards of Education (CCBE) Board of Directors (Trustee Green)
12. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS (overview) Requested items by Board members may be addressed at this time.
1. Board Study Session on Charter Schools, Quarterly (April 20, June 1, Sept 21, Dec 14)
2. Best Practices and Roles of School Resource Officers (SROs) in Schools and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) - Study has begun. Initial discussion scheduled for Nov 19, 2015 meeting of the Juvenile Justice Special Committee (JJSC). Report to the Board tentatively set for summer 2016. (Trustee Chang)
3. Budget Priorities Discussed at Budget Study Committee on Nov 20, 2015 (Trustee Kamei)
4. Update on SJ/SV 2020 . Credo Report, spring 2016 (Trustee Di Salvo)
5. Head Start Update Transfer of student information from Head Start to Kindergarten, Mental Health Programs, Feb 17, 2016 (Trustee Di Salvo)
6. Equity for API students in higher education, Mar 2016 (Trustee Song)
7. Billy DeFrank Center presentation, (Trustee Green)
8. Charter School Reviews, spring 2016 (Trustee Mah)
9. Strengthening Economic Security for County Residents, spring 2016 (Trustee Green)
10. Discussion on the U.S. Department of Education's 2016 National Education Technology Plan (Trustee Di Salvo)
Feb 03, 2016 Regular Meeting #2175
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
A. Roll Call (Including Action on Absences if Necessary)
B. Adoption of Agenda
C. Pledge of Allegiance
2. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH: (overview) The Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) recognizes ten employees each year for outstanding service to students, parents, coworkers and customers. Charles Richion from the General Services Department is being honored as the Employee of the Month for February for his outstanding skills and accomplishments on the job, dedication to exceptional service and commitment to excellence.
3. SPECIAL RECOGNITION: Charmaine Warmenhoven/Inclusion Collaborative (overview) From time to time, the Board of Education recognizes community members who demonstrate exceptional commitment to the children of Santa Clara County in support of the goals of the SCCOE. Charmaine Warmenhoven is one such exceptional person. Ms. Warmenhoven is the primary benefactor of the Inclusion Collaborative, a program housed at the Santa Clara County Office of Education that works to include children with special needs in child care, preschool programs and community activities. Ms. Warmenhoven's commitment and donations of time and funding to the Inclusion Collaborative spans more than 10 years. Thanks to Charmaine's leadership, the Inclusion Collaborative is able to provide essential services to the community.
4. PUBLIC COMMENTS OF PERSONS DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD (overview) At this time, members of the public may address the Board on any issue within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board that is not listed on this agenda. Members of the public may also address the Board on an agenda item before or during the Board's consideration of the item. No action can be taken on an item not on the agenda at this time, but may be referred to the administration or put on a future agenda. In accordance with Board Bylaw 9323, individual remarks will be limited to 3 minutes each, unless otherwise stipulated.
6. COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBER REPORTS (overview) The members of the Board may give reports on any activities related to their duties as members of the Santa Clara County Board of Education.
7. BOARD CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence addressed to the Santa Clara County Board of Education. Correspondence addressed to individual board members will be mailed to them directly.
Board Correspondence
A. *Request Approval of Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of January 13, 2016 (#2173)
B. *Request Approval of Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of January 20, 2016 (#2174)
C. *Adopt Resolution Recognizing February as National African American History Month (overview) Through the work of Harvard-trained historian Dr. Carter G. Woodson, the precursor of African American History Month was first celebrated in February 1926 during a week that encompassed the birthdays of both Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. His aim was to encourage a greater understanding of the experiences of African Americans and raise awareness of their contributions throughout the world. The celebration was expanded to Black History Month in 1976, the nation's bicentennial. President Gerald R. Ford urged Americans to "seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history." Administration recommends adoption in support of February 2016 as National African American History Month. (Superintendent Gundry)
D. *Adopt Resolution Supporting the Establishment of the Person-First Terminology Media and Community Campaign (overview) Person-first language aims to avoid perceived and subconscious dehumanization when discussing people with disabilities. The basic idea is to use a sentence structure that names the person first and the condition second, for example "people with disabilities" rather than "disabled people" or "disabled", in order to emphasize that "they are people first." By using such a sentence structure, the speaker articulates the idea of disability as a secondary attribute, not a characteristic of a person's identify. As an advocate for inclusion, the Santa Clara County Office of Education adopted person-first terminology as a matter of policy in 2011 and actively campaigned for other local agencies to adopt this as part of their organizational values. Administration recommends adoption of resolution supporting the establishment of the person-first terminology media and community campaign. (Superintendent Gundry)
E. *Request Approval of Proposed Donation from Charmaine Warmenhoven via Silicon Valley Education Foundation (SVEF) for 2016-17 Fiscal Year (overview) Annually, Ms. Charmaine Warmenhoven, via the Silicon Valley Education Foundation, donates approximately $100,000 to the Inclusion Collaborative, Student Services Branch. The actual amount of the donation will be determined in November 2016. Administration recommends approval of proposed donation from Charmaine Warmenhoven via Silicon Valley Education Foundation for 2016-17 fiscal year. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
F. *Request Adoption of Second Reading of Revised Board Policies 0200, 0460, 3100 and Board Bylaws 9100 and 9123 (overview) On November 18, 2015, the Policy Development Subcommittee met and approved the revisions for Board Policies: BP 0200 Goals for the SCCOE, BP 0460 Local Control and Accountability Plan, BP 3100 Budget and Board Bylaw 9100 Organization. On January 13, 2016, the subcommittee met and approved the revisions for Board Bylaw 9123 Duties of the Vice President. Administration recommends adoptions of second reading of revised BP 0200, 0460, 3100 and BB 9100. (Vice President Chang)
A. *Request Approval of Renewal Petition of ACE Empower Academy Charter for the Period of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2021 (overview) On January 12, 2016, the Charter Schools Office of the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) received a petition from ACE Empower Academy seeking renewal of the charter. California Education Code Section 47607(a) (1) requires that "each renewal shall be for a period of five years." If the charter was to be renewed by the County Board, the new term of the charter would begin on July 1, 2016 and end on June 30, 2021. On January 20, 2016, the County Board held a public hearing on the charter school's petition for renewal. California Education Code Section 47605(b) requires that "following review of the petition and the public hearing, the governing board of the school district shall either grant or deny the charter within 60 days of receipt of the petition, provided however, that the date may be extended by an additional 30 days if both parties agree to the extension." Administration recommends approval of renewal petition of ACE Employer Academy Charter for the period of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2021. (Dr. Angelica Ramsey)
Meeting went into Recess
Meeting Reconvened
B. *Request Approval of Educator Effectiveness Funds Expenditure Plan (overview) The 2015-16 Budget Act provides funds for Educator Effectiveness. These funds are specifically to be used for professional development, coaching and support services. The Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) will receive $552,734. These funds must be spent on specific areas during the 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years. Although the funding was based on 2014-15 certificated full-time equivalent (FTE) staff of 376.90, the Student Services Branch has an FTE of 1,176 staff. The SCCOE must develop and adopt an expenditure plan on how the funds will be spent. The plan must be presented in a public meeting of the Board before its adoption in a subsequent public meeting. A public hearing regarding these funds was held on January 20, 2016. Administration recommends approval of the Educator Effectiveness Funds Expenditure Plan. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
C. *Request Appointment to the California School Boards Association's (CSBA) Delegate Assembly (overview) Because there is only one county office in Region 20, the Santa Clara County Board of Education (SCCBOE) is entitled to appoint a representative to CSBA's Delegate Assembly for a two-year term beginning April 1, 2016 through March 31, 2018. This position is currently held by member Darcie Green whose appointment term expires on March 31, 2016. In addition, this position has a dual role and will automatically be appointed to serve as a member on the California County Boards of Education (CCBE) Board of Directors. Administration recommends appointment to the California School Boards Association's Delegate Assembly. (Superintendent Gundry)
A. *Foster Youth Services Update (overview) This Foster Youth Services (FYS) update is being presented at the request of Trustee Grace Mah. The California Department of Education (CDE) enacted a new law, Assembly Bill 854, which was signed by Governor Brown on October 11, 2015. This Board presentation will provide an overview of the purpose of AB 854, program changes, budget implications and coordination of services among districts, agencies and community partners. (Dr. Steve Olmos)
B. *Charter Schools Update (Overview) At a special meeting on December 14, 2015, the County Board of Education requested a standing item regarding charter schools on every regular board meeting agenda. (Dr. Angelica Ramsey)
11. BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS (overview) Committee members may provide or report on recent committee activities.
1. Budget Study Committee (Superintendent Gundry, Chair)
2. Policy Subcommittee (Trustee Chang, Chair)
3. Joint Legislative Advisory Committee (Trustee Di Salvo, Chair)
4. Head Start Policy Council (Trustee Mah)
5. Santa Clara County School Boards Association Executive Board (Trustee Kamei)
6. Joint Committee on Child Care (JCCC) (Trustees Song and Di Salvo)
7. Warmenhoven Inclusion Collaborative (Trustee Kamei)
8. California School Boards Association (CSBA) Delegate (Trustee Green)
9. California County Boards of Education (CCBE) Board of Directors (Trustee Green)
12. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS (overview) Requested items by Board members may be addressed at this time.
1. Board Study Session on Charter Schools, Quarterly (April 20, June 1, Sept 21, Dec 14)
2. Best Practices and Roles of School Resource Officers (SROs) in Schools and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) - Study has begun. Initial discussion scheduled for Nov 19, 2015 meeting of the Juvenile Justice Special Committee (JJSC). Report to the Board tentatively set for summer 2016. (Trustee Chang)
3. Budget Priorities Discussed at Budget Study Committee on Nov 20, 2015 (Trustee Kamei)
4. Update on SJ/SV 2020 . Credo Report, spring 2016 (Trustee Di Salvo)
5. Head Start Update Transfer of student information from Head Start to Kindergarten, Mental Health Programs, Feb 17, 2016 (Trustee Di Salvo)
6. Equity for API students in higher education, Mar 2016 (Trustee Song)
7. Billy DeFrank Center presentation, (Trustee Green)
8. Charter School Reviews, spring 2016 (Trustee Mah)
9. Strengthening Economic Security for County Residents, spring 2016 (Trustee Green)
10. Discussion on the U.S. Department of Education's 2016 National Education Technology Plan (Trustee Di Salvo)
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