Video index
A. Roll Call (Including Action on Absences if Necessary)
B. Adoption of Agenda
C. Pledge of Allegiance
2. PUBLIC COMMENTS OF PERSONS DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON ITEMS AGENDIZED FOR CLOSED SESSION OR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA (overview) At this time, members of the public may address the Board on any item agendized for closed session or any issue within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board that is not listed on this agenda. Members of the public may also address the Board on an agenda item before or during the Board's consideration of the item. No action can be taken on an item not on the agenda at this time, but may be referred to the administration or put on a future agenda. In accordance with Board Bylaw 9323, individual remarks will be limited to 3 minutes each, unless otherwise stipulated.
Meeting went into Recess
Meeting Reconvened
Meeting went into Recess
Meeting Reconvened
Meeting went into Recess
Meeting Reconvened
3. The Board will hold a Closed Session to consider the following items:
A) Conference with Legal Counsel -Potential Litigation (Government Code § 54956.9(d)(2)(one case)) (Two claims were received by SCCOE and the Board of Education from the law firm of Alexander Law Group regarding alleged damages caused at Walden West)
B) Public Employee Performance Evaluation Title: County Superintendent of Schools (Government Code Section 54957(b)(1))
OPEN SESSION Immediately Following Closed Session
4. Report of actions taken in Closed Session
5. PUBLIC COMMENTS OF PERSONS DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA (overview) At this time, members of the public may address the Board on any issue within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board that is not listed on this agenda. Members of the public may also address the Board on an agenda item before or during the Board's consideration of the item. No action can be taken on an item not on the agenda at this time, but may be referred to the administration or put on a future agenda. In accordance with Board Bylaw 9323, individual remarks will be limited to 3 minutes each, unless otherwise stipulated.
A. *Request Approval of the 2015-16 Non-Public School Contracts (overview) The Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) has been the district of residence for all Licensed Care Institution (LCI) students placed in Non-Public Schools (NPS) for more than 20 years. Students served in the residential and/or the NPS setting have exceptional learning, behavior, family, or physical handicaps that impact their education progress and cannot be met in the regular home or school setting. Funding has been incorporated into the FY 2015-16 budget to cover this expense. The cost will be fully reimbursed by the State and School Districts. Administration recommends the approval of the 2015-16 Non-Public School contracts. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
B. *Request Acceptance of two Non-Competitive Mathematics Grants from Philanthropic Ventures Foundation (overview) Non-competitive mathematics grants were offered by Philanthropic Ventures Foundation to support preschool teachers in programs serving low-income families and public school teachers of grades K-3 in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. The Santa Clara County Office of Education will receive two grants totaling $874 to implement the work. Funds will be used to purchase math materials/supplies. Administration recommends acceptance of two non-competitive mathematics grants from Philanthropic Ventures. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
C. *Request Approval to Accept the California Department of Education Embedded Instruction Grant (overview) The Embedded Instruction grant ties the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) assessment to curriculum and instructional practices to strengthen the relationship between assessment and instruction and provides planned and intentional instruction practices for children with disabilities. As the agreement was received by the Santa Clara County Office of Education on May 11, 2015, and due to California Department of Education (CDE) mandated timelines, it was necessary to sign and submit the agreement to the CDE prior to this board meeting. Administration recommends acceptance of the California Department of Education Embedded Instruction grant. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
D. *Request Approval of Revised 2015-16 Single Plans for Student Achievement (overview) California Education Code Sections 41507, 41572 and 64001 and the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) require each school to consolidate all school plans for programs funded through the School and Library Improvement Block Grant, the Pupil Retention Block Grant, the Consolidated Application and Reporting System, and NCLB Program Improvement into the Single Plan for Student Achievement. The School Site Councils from the Santa Clara Office of Education's (SCCOE) three schools (County Community School, Court Schools and Special Education) revised and approved their SPSAs to include updated budget information. Administration recommends approval of the revised 2015-16 Single Plans for Student Achievement for the three SCCOE schools: County Community School, Court Schools and Special Education. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
A. *Public Hearing on the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) (overview) Pursuant to Education Code (EC) 52062(b)(1), school districts and county offices are required to hold a public hearing to solicit the recommendations and comments of members of the public regarding the specific actions and expenditures proposed to be included in the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). The Public Hearing shall be held at the same meeting as the public hearing required by EC1622 for the County Office of Education Budget to be adopted in the subsequent fiscal year. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
B. *Public Hearing on the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) 2015-16 Preliminary Budget (overview) Pursuant to Education Code (EC) 52062(b)(1), county offices of education are required to hold a public hearing for the budget to be adopted for the subsequent fiscal year at the same meeting as the public hearing for the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). This item satisfies the requirements under EC 52062(b)(1). (Micaela Ochoa)
Jun 10, 2015 Special Meeting #2161-S1
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
A. Roll Call (Including Action on Absences if Necessary)
B. Adoption of Agenda
C. Pledge of Allegiance
2. PUBLIC COMMENTS OF PERSONS DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON ITEMS AGENDIZED FOR CLOSED SESSION OR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA (overview) At this time, members of the public may address the Board on any item agendized for closed session or any issue within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board that is not listed on this agenda. Members of the public may also address the Board on an agenda item before or during the Board's consideration of the item. No action can be taken on an item not on the agenda at this time, but may be referred to the administration or put on a future agenda. In accordance with Board Bylaw 9323, individual remarks will be limited to 3 minutes each, unless otherwise stipulated.
Meeting went into Recess
Meeting Reconvened
Meeting went into Recess
Meeting Reconvened
Meeting went into Recess
Meeting Reconvened
3. The Board will hold a Closed Session to consider the following items:
A) Conference with Legal Counsel -Potential Litigation (Government Code § 54956.9(d)(2)(one case)) (Two claims were received by SCCOE and the Board of Education from the law firm of Alexander Law Group regarding alleged damages caused at Walden West)
B) Public Employee Performance Evaluation Title: County Superintendent of Schools (Government Code Section 54957(b)(1))
OPEN SESSION Immediately Following Closed Session
4. Report of actions taken in Closed Session
5. PUBLIC COMMENTS OF PERSONS DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA (overview) At this time, members of the public may address the Board on any issue within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board that is not listed on this agenda. Members of the public may also address the Board on an agenda item before or during the Board's consideration of the item. No action can be taken on an item not on the agenda at this time, but may be referred to the administration or put on a future agenda. In accordance with Board Bylaw 9323, individual remarks will be limited to 3 minutes each, unless otherwise stipulated.
A. *Request Approval of the 2015-16 Non-Public School Contracts (overview) The Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) has been the district of residence for all Licensed Care Institution (LCI) students placed in Non-Public Schools (NPS) for more than 20 years. Students served in the residential and/or the NPS setting have exceptional learning, behavior, family, or physical handicaps that impact their education progress and cannot be met in the regular home or school setting. Funding has been incorporated into the FY 2015-16 budget to cover this expense. The cost will be fully reimbursed by the State and School Districts. Administration recommends the approval of the 2015-16 Non-Public School contracts. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
B. *Request Acceptance of two Non-Competitive Mathematics Grants from Philanthropic Ventures Foundation (overview) Non-competitive mathematics grants were offered by Philanthropic Ventures Foundation to support preschool teachers in programs serving low-income families and public school teachers of grades K-3 in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. The Santa Clara County Office of Education will receive two grants totaling $874 to implement the work. Funds will be used to purchase math materials/supplies. Administration recommends acceptance of two non-competitive mathematics grants from Philanthropic Ventures. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
C. *Request Approval to Accept the California Department of Education Embedded Instruction Grant (overview) The Embedded Instruction grant ties the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) assessment to curriculum and instructional practices to strengthen the relationship between assessment and instruction and provides planned and intentional instruction practices for children with disabilities. As the agreement was received by the Santa Clara County Office of Education on May 11, 2015, and due to California Department of Education (CDE) mandated timelines, it was necessary to sign and submit the agreement to the CDE prior to this board meeting. Administration recommends acceptance of the California Department of Education Embedded Instruction grant. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
D. *Request Approval of Revised 2015-16 Single Plans for Student Achievement (overview) California Education Code Sections 41507, 41572 and 64001 and the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) require each school to consolidate all school plans for programs funded through the School and Library Improvement Block Grant, the Pupil Retention Block Grant, the Consolidated Application and Reporting System, and NCLB Program Improvement into the Single Plan for Student Achievement. The School Site Councils from the Santa Clara Office of Education's (SCCOE) three schools (County Community School, Court Schools and Special Education) revised and approved their SPSAs to include updated budget information. Administration recommends approval of the revised 2015-16 Single Plans for Student Achievement for the three SCCOE schools: County Community School, Court Schools and Special Education. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
A. *Public Hearing on the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) (overview) Pursuant to Education Code (EC) 52062(b)(1), school districts and county offices are required to hold a public hearing to solicit the recommendations and comments of members of the public regarding the specific actions and expenditures proposed to be included in the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). The Public Hearing shall be held at the same meeting as the public hearing required by EC1622 for the County Office of Education Budget to be adopted in the subsequent fiscal year. (Dr. Mary Ann Dewan)
B. *Public Hearing on the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) 2015-16 Preliminary Budget (overview) Pursuant to Education Code (EC) 52062(b)(1), county offices of education are required to hold a public hearing for the budget to be adopted for the subsequent fiscal year at the same meeting as the public hearing for the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). This item satisfies the requirements under EC 52062(b)(1). (Micaela Ochoa)
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