A. Interdistrict Attendance Appeal Filed on Behalf of Student, Resident District: East Side Union High School District, Desired District: San Jose Unified School District
B. Interdistrict Attendance Appeal Filed on Behalf of Student, Resident District: Cambrian School District, Desired District: Campbell Union School District
C. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code 54957.6)
D. Government Code section 54957 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Title: (County Superintendent of Schools)
A. Interdistrict Attendance Appeal Filed on Behalf of Student, Resident District: East Side Union High School District, Desired District: San Jose Unified School District
B. Interdistrict Attendance Appeal Filed on Behalf of Student, Resident District: Cambrian School District, Desired District: Campbell Union School District
C. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code 54957.6)
D. Government Code section 54957 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Title: (County Superintendent of Schools)